• The Haus of Commns x The 222

    The Limit… does not exist. You will experience the Bradley Method first hand. A class designed to push your comfort zone in three different ways. All are welcome, no experience required.

    Join us for a 45 minute Circuit Style Class that will start and end with mindfulness and breath work moments.

    15 x 15 x 15 min:

    We give you the outline, you get to write the story.

    Reformer Pilates - Time Under Tension

    Sculpt - Strength, Low Reps, Challenging Weights

    Mat- Burnout

    Offered: WARM, cranking tunes with an instructor to encourage you to keep defying your limits and get down 4 more.

  • A contemporary take on the classical Mat Pilates. This class will guide you through a variety of movements that allow you to choose what is meant for your body in the moment. There is always room for modifications and challenges. The intention is to get you to tune into your body and out of the outside world. Once you step in the room, you have made it, now it’s time to sweat, heal, recover and feel.

    Classes will be offered in the darkness in The Haus of Commns Studio, warm or hot with energetic music and incredible motivation that will have you leaving the studio feeling revived and euphoric.

    The WHY:

    Toning, Lengthening, Strengthening, Deep Core and Pelvic Floor Activation, Flexibility, Mind-Body Connection, Posture Improvement

  • Sweat, Heal, Recover, Feel… this is what this class is built on. 45 minutes of heart pumping movement that will increase endurance, heart and lung health. You may hate the thought of cardio, but with our curated playlists, unique motivation and energetic moves- you won’t even have time to complain. Think dancing to your favourite song when nobody is watching in the dark. Time to let go, breathe, release and rise up.

    Offered: WARM

  • The practice offers a variety of traditional and restorative Yoga styles for anyone who walks into the studio. Elevate your Yoga practice or simply find solace during a busy day.

    HIP-HOP FLOW- This flow is a fitness based Vinyasa Practice. Its benefits include building internal heat, increased stamina, strength and flexibility, as well as stress reduction. Your instructor will lead you through short sequences which you will repeat as you “flow on your own” while synchronizing breath with movement. Each short sequence will give you the chance to modify or add on, making this practice ideal for all levels of yoga practice. Hip hop music is enjoyed through this class. Come move and flow to different music, enjoying the opportunity to grow deeper in your practice.

    CORE STRENGTH FLOW- In Core Strength Vinyasa classes, specific poses and sequences are designed to help students access and understand their core which improves alignment and stability as well as connecting the mind and body.

    Classes are dynamic and bring benefits of stronger and more flexible bodies as well as helping with weight loss. They also bring benefits of increased focus, confidence and self-awareness.

    Often thought of as just abdominal muscles, it’s more accurate to think of our ‘core’ like an apple core, running from the top of our head to the inner arches of your feet. With a strong core you improve almost every yoga pose and the whole practice of yoga becomes much easier and safer.

    On a spiritual level, when the core is strong, the ups and downs of life are much easier to navigate too.

    SLOW FLOW & BREATHE- Gentle Flow classes are similar to Vinyasa, but are performed at a slower pace. With less intense postures & vinyasas, this class is for those who are looker for a gentler practice. Gentle Flow classes will focus highly on the breath, alignment, balance, strength, & flexibility. There will typically be an extended time spent practicing meditation & yogic breathwork as well.

    POWER FLOW- Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a powerful, energetic form of yoga where students fluidly move from one pose to the next while connecting their breathing to their movements. This type of yoga is taught in a heated studio which makes it a vigorous and revitalizing form of physical fitness. It incorporates strength, flexibility, balance, cardio and physical and mental stamina in one session. Baron Baptiste, the founder of this form of yoga, describes this practice as “the perfect blend of sweat and serenity.”

    Vinyasa meaning, “flow” or “to move without resistance,” incorporates interval and cross-training exercises to challenge both the aerobic and anaerobic systems of the body. As your body adapts, it is important to vary the types, intensity and duration of the exercises. Power Vinyasa yoga incorporates regular sequences that become familiar to students, but incorporates variations to modify, intensify, or challenge the body by altering the pace or duration of poses, and the frequency that they are repeated.

    YIN- Yin Yoga was developed as a method for deepening one’s flexibility. Postures are held much longer than in a regular yoga class, allowing the practitioner to get much deeper, stretching the fascia as well as muscles and connective tissues. Targeting the connective tissues over time leads to greater flexibility. Staying in a pose for up to five minutes or longer can be very challenging both mentally and physically, but the meditative benefits of this can be highly rewarding. This is a great class for athletes, runners and sports-minded people who need more stretching after a workout; as well as for students or others with chronic tension looking for a restorative, gentle class in a quiet, supportive environment.

    POWER & FLOW- This class combines the strength building and heat of a power yoga class, with the fluidity and breath movement of a Vinyasa Flow. A set sequence, this class gives you the opportunity to tune in and build your strength and practice. Options are given for different levels of practice, this give the chance for all levels of students to practice and grow. Breath work and meditation are included to encourage you to tune into the body. Students are encouraged to honor internal signals and practice Ahimsa (No Harm). Come practice, flow and grow.

    VINYASA FLOW- This style is modelled after Ashtanga yoga. The meaning of Vinyasa is to synchronise your movement to your breath.

    Staying in tune with your breathing will help you flow through the sequence of poses. Typically, after a flowing warm up, there are a number of standing postures that you will hold for up to five breaths. The standing series is followed by a floor series that incorporates the flowing vinyasa movements until you reach a final rest in Savasana (lying prostrate and fully relaxed)

    VINYASA & YIN- Vinyasa & Yin Yoga provides the benefits of a balanced practice of Vinyasa and Yin styles of yoga.This class will start with a more active and dynamic Vinyasa practice to energize and strengthen the body. The Yin style of long-held passive poses will open the body to more flexibility and quiet the mind to close your practice. Open to all levels.

  • Essentrics is a full-body workout that combines dynamic stretching, strengthening, and toning exercises with flowing movements inspired by ballet and Tai Chi. This low-impact workout is designed to improve your flexibility, balance, and posture, while simultaneously sculpting and strengthening your muscles. Each class is carefully crafted to provide a fun and challenging experience that is suitable for all; whether you're a beginner or an experienced athlete. With upbeat music and engaging choreography, you'll leave feeling energized, revitalized, and ready to take on whatever challenges come your way


    This class will be a fun & unique way to practice in studio. You will be practicing alongside one of our amazing instructors as they move with you.

    You will find yourself able to connect deeply to your body, guiding & moving it in a way that comes naturally to you.

    This class is open to all! We will be accepting donations, however this is not necessary to attend.

    Follow along with our socials to hear about special donation classes and events specifically going towards our community initiatives.



Class offerings are subject to change.

what to expect


    All you need to bring is your workout clothes and a water bottle. We will take care of the rest!

    Don’t sweat it if you forget something, we will have items available to purchase to assist your practice.

    We provide cubby spaces and change rooms to store your belongings, (please only use one cubby per guest).


    Booking online or on the app is recommended to ensure you secure a spot. However walk-ins are welcome provided there is a spot available in the class.


    If it is your first time at our space, welcome! Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to ensure that we can give you a full tour of the space, get you familiar with the studio and make sure you are all set up to sweat.

    If it is a peak studio time, our team members will be happy to provide you a tour of the space following the class or at another time at your convenience.

    If you are a regular here at The Commns, we recommend arriving 5-10 minutes early at your convenience to ensure that you get the most out of your experience and that we can assist with anything needed.


    Think elevated, think easy. At The Commns we do all the heavy lifting before and after class. No need to bring anything other than your workout clothes and a water bottle, but don’t worry we also have items available to purchase to enhance your experience if needed. Take a look at our Add-On section in case you forget something (don’t worry we all do it), items will be waiting for you at your spot when you arrive. Everything will be sanitized and waiting for you. We provide a yoga mat, any equipment needed, towels, and all the extras. Following class you are able to leave everything where it is and we will take care of the clean up. Check out our Pick A Spot feature available for most classes. This allows you to choose your ideal spot when booking if you so desire, this feature is for you if you prefer a certain spot in the room.

    We encourage all of the selfies and mirror pics but kindly wait until after class to ensure you get the most out of your experience. Please respect others privacy if taking or posting content. We kindly ask that cellphones stay out of the studio until after classes.


    Check out our carefully curated selection of wellness favs. Everyone deserves to treat themselves!


    Check out The Policies section for more information.

THE 222










  • We will flow through full body movement on the reformer with a contemporary take on the classic pilates principles. Focus will be placed on the present moment and physical sensations of the body. Breath work and awareness will carry you through, leaving you feeling amazing post class. Show up for you. Whether today is the day you choose a modification or a challenge it’s a win @thecommns.

    Focus is on providing resistance and inducing muscular contraction for strong resilient muscles, stretching and lengthening muscles, improving joint ROM, working on flexibility and mobility and providing time under tension.

    Class is for all | no previous experience on a reformer necessary.

    Offered Warm and Hot.

    Check out the schedule for other offerings -> The Re-form x Cardio, The Re-form x strength and Down4more.